13 Unjustified Reasons Why (Spoiler-less review of 13 Reasons Why)

Donald Trump isn't a bad guy. Fake news, Covfefe and his other trumped-up punchlines are a testament to that (nope, not at all). Overlooking his Lego boarder ambitions, women are up for 'grabs' mentality and his day-to-day buy-his-way-out-of-it Fortune-500 hundred business, he's actually a decent guy. He's pro-american -- but your favourite meme page on … Continue reading 13 Unjustified Reasons Why (Spoiler-less review of 13 Reasons Why)

Why I Can Never Be A Tribalist.

Tribalism is the state of being organized in or an advocate for a tribe or tribes. In terms of conformity, tribalism may also refer in popular cultural terms to a way of thinking or behaving in which people are loyal to their own tribe or social group. Tribalism can be said to tribal consciousness and loyalty; … Continue reading Why I Can Never Be A Tribalist.