From the Journal of Ib


This is where the key to winning your battle resides. At this rough phase in your life you need this

Hello lovelies, it’s been a long time I wrote here and that’s because I took an impromptu break. A much needed break and rest from social media. Some times life gets you weary and makes you so disturbed, unhappy,emotionally and mentally unstable, you name it. I’m sure you have an idea of what I’m talking about. The phase when you wake up in the morning and you go to work and you come back home and you want to sleep right away, you surf through social media and you don’t even know what you’re doing there, you cry at the sight of every little thing, even the littlest things make you overly emotional and a cry baby, you know you’ve got goals but then again you just see yourself relaxing and not working towards them (you know you have to work towards your goals but somehow you just cry because you’re too lazy to do anything or you don’t believe in yourself or you are waiting for the right time or you’re procrastinating for reasons best known to you). You’re literally not doing anything productive with your life.


Take all the time you need, you’re human and its okay to break down but don’t stay there, run to God and he will lift you up. It’s okay to want to be alone during this phase of your life, but don’t push God away, take him along every step of the way.

At this point you want to stay away from everyone and just reflect on how you feel, you want to even stay away from God because you think God is seeing all you’re going through and nothing has changed. What you need to do is talk to God, I know that at this point, you won’t be able to bring words out of your mouth to express how you feel to God but at this point you should seek God and pour out your heart and how you feel in your head to him. No one and nothing can give you a better solution and feeling than God.

At this point you will get easily irritated by people, you would also want to place your worth and happiness in man and that’s where you make the greatest mistake. Be careful not to vent to the wrong people, if you have the right people in your life that can gather you up with words of encouragement or positivity and most especially the word of God, then talk to them. Sometimes you can’t get any help if you don’t talk to anyone . On the other hand, people may get offended with your withdrawal or phase that you  are going through simply because they do not understand, while it is also good to leave people to their opinion about you, it’s better to make them understand that you’re in a phase right now that is making you laid back, you’re in a phase where you need God the most. Sometimes you need to educate them before You cut them off. Someone may ask “Why cut them off?”, because you have greater things to focus on and every phase comes with it’s  specific  purpose.  Boothang do I need to tell You that if you’re in this phase, it’s neither  the time to be making friends nor stressing over friends that would not understand or care to know what you’re going through or even pray for you, it’s time to get closer to God and if anyone attempts to distract you cut them off.  

Lastly, you would need someone that can gather you up, someone that can tell you who you are in Christ, someone that can give you that courage and kill the insecurity in you, someone that can fight with you scripture-based. In all you go through in this phase, talk to God and cry out your heart to him in whatever way possible.


PS: I wrote this during a trying time in my life.

2018 ❤

8 thoughts on “From the Journal of Ib

  1. sincerelychi says:

    The third paragraph is very relatable. Getting easily irritated by people, venting always, shutting people out, bottling things up because you don’t know who has the right words for you at that point, and the list goes on.

    I hope you feel better now. Don’t stop praying. Don’t stop talking to someone, I’m here if you want to talk.

    Stay happy always.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. memaojukwu says:

    Yes, this is sound wisdom. The temptation is usually to withdraw from God too but He’s the good guy! We should run to Him because in Him is our strength. I loved this. Thanks for sharing, it’s so relatable.😊


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